Aertox is a lone planet in the region it resides in. it's one of the few planets that hold proper life within it and keeps it sustained. The reason life is able to exist on Aertox is because 80% of Aertox is covered in water. most water is found in the ocean of the planet. while the rest of it is located in freshwater bodies like rivers lakes, and ponds.
The land masses located on Aertox are always still, never moving unless one of the support roots is breaking, which causes land quakes.
The Atmosphere is primarily toxic to most life forms, with those located in those zones having grown unique ways to survive within it.
The planet is often covered in dense clouds that evaporated from the water bodies. these clouds often cause rain in specific areas of the planet which have denser gravity.
Aertox does have a sun, though it is smaller then most, and closer to the planet. this makes the planet usually lack snow or cold areas until specific times where one or both moons block out the light of the sun or when the sun is not directed at that area of the globe.
Aertox is a name invented by the Dryada, who named it that shortly after having invented ways of traveling over the ocean and discovering the high toxic air levels of the planet. Aertox is a combined sentence of "Toxic Air".
This name has never changed over the years as the meaning stayed true to it's origin.
Natural History
While the exact date of existence is unknown, the researchers have found traces of the planet being over 3 Billion years old via fossils and the layers found within the planet.
The moons are hypothesized to have been part of Aertox before a major planet crash happened.
After formation
After the formation of Aertox and the two moons, the cycles managed to allow life to start existing on the planet. first being in the form of micro-life like bacteria. this slowly kept growing until on the land masses plant life started appearing, allowing wildlife to evolve as well.
Origin of life and evolution
The life of the planet started by microscopic bacteria, that grew in numbers before growing in size as well. this made form of plants like grasses and weeds. which then grew bigger into trees, bushes and other plants.
Some micro-life evolved into other living things like animals. most first residing in the oceans before also making way onto land.
Physical Characteristics
Size and shape
Aertox is a rounded shape due to the movements and gravity taking course over time- making it an O shape. The planet is roughly 6,567km (4,080mil) in diameter. on the planet it's uneven grounds make form of massive mountains, canyons and pillars.
Most of Aertox is covered in water, about 80% of it being covered by it while 20% is land masses. these land masses hold all non-aquatic life, which makes up about 40% of the total population of life. while the waters hold 60% population of life.
Internal structure
Aertox has a unique planet structure. The surface is solid with a few caverns breaching the surface and water cutting ways trough it. though if one goes deeper down they will breach an area referred to as the "Sanctuary Zone" this area covers the entire planets middle circle. it's primarily hollow with massive pillars holding the planet together. this massive cave like area is often viewed as a safe heaven for life that lives there. though most if not all surface life remain unaware of it's presence.
This area is completely free of the toxic surface air, and has special foliage that keep it that way by taking in any toxic air from above.
The core of the world exists out of molten magma that keeps the world warm at the surface. despite this the middle zone is relatively lukewarm in temperature due to it's isolation. the pillars transferring the heat to the surface instead.
Magnetic field
Gravity of Aertox is not spread evenly on the surface, causing some areas to feel super heavy for most life, while other areas barely hold any, causing unique occurrences of floating land masses to happen and creatures to be able to move in unnatural ways.
Magical effects
In the core of the world, mixed within the magma's core, is a dense collection of magic, that sometimes leaks to the surface and causes abnormal things to happen. while magic is present on the surface by nature, these leaks can cause a burst of power and supernatural stuff to happen. the world relies on the magic to stay alive and to sustain all life.
Aertox's Moons
Princeps is the largest moon that orbits Aertox. this moon is the cause of rising and lowering tides as well as wind shifts that cause storms and all natural happenings.
This moon is essential for the life on Aertox, like many other natural things.
Paravadisc is a smaller moon- about half the size of princeps. this moon allows Plumiix (one of the continents) to have frozen areas like Draakoda. this moon also causes the weather seasons to happen in the world. this moon also boosts or lowers the magic capabilities of the creatures and world.
Weather and climate
Aertox is a place that is high in humidity aside from a few places. The height in humidity means that it rains very frequently and it's not unheard of to have floods happen.
​Climate of plumiix is mostly humid and tropical.
Upper atmosphere
In the air above the land, the higher you go the colder it gets and the less toxic the air becomes. but also how little oxygen will be present. most things in that area will freeze or suffocate to death before reaching space.
Life on Aertox
Life on plumiix is massive, as it's the biggest land mass on the planet. Plumiix holds the life of all dragons and a single humanoid species by nature.
Vrijvan holds less life, but does have a highly intelligent species on it called the Dryada, a humanoid species. Vrijvan is also the only continent located in the non-toxic air zone. this means the Dryada never grew immune to the toxic air, and had to come up with unique ways of adapting to the life outside their country.
The ocean holds a lot of life that is unable to travel on the land. the life of the ocean often being a mystery that is discovered more day by day.
Sanctuary Zone
The sanctuary zone holds life that most on the surface are unaware exists at all due to how deep it is underground. the life underground also being unaware of surface life.