Cobalo are small 3-4ft humanoids with fluffy hair and long furred tail. They have massive ears that are the size of their head. They have varying body shapes and sizes depending on their genes.
Cobalo are found on plumiix, mainly venturing in the Scarlet Forest but also being seen in the other section to hunt or gather resources.
Cobalo can have varying diseases similar to humans. Most common ones being Colds and lung infections. Though any main human disease is possible to get for them
Behavior info
Cobalo, while not violent towards the dragons of plumiix, are violent towards Dryada.
Cobalo are often quick to react to situations, preferring to act first before others act.
Cobalo are highly defensive of their colony, always wanting to ensure their safety and survival. This can cause them to often have trust issues with outsiders or anything new.
Cobalo are travelers, always moving around and making temporary easily broken down houses.
Cobalo are highly social creatures that need social interactions to develop properly.
Cobalo are very affectionate to their own race and to those they trust. To outsiders they can be skeptical and cold.
Cobalo are monogamous- mating for life with one partner. Even if one dies they are not known to take on another partner.
Cobalo Hunt and Gather only when needing food, due to them traveling constantly they cannot preserve food wares as easily.
Cobalo’s are omnivorous, eating both plant and meat based foods.
Common foods
Cobalo eat all kinds of goods, mainly greens paired with meat and occasional fruits.
Cobalo are Diurnal, being most active during the day time and sleeping at night time.
Cobalo speak a language called “Shifix” this language primarily is made up of normal speech combined with clicking to make sure their prey doesn’t hear them
Cobalo have an average lifespan of about 80-90 years of age. There have been records of older Cobalo, but those are rare.
Cobalo are known to court via gifting gifts to each other and spending extra time with their chosen. Some will even perform a traditional dance during special occasions.
Baby appearance
Baby Cobalo are similar to human babies, though they already have a head and tail full of hair/fur.
Teen appearance
Teen cobalo can be rowdy and mischievous, often seeking the border of what they are allowed to do. Once they act more responsible they are taken in to start learning their ways of survival.
Adult appearance
Adults usually have woven or styled hair compared to the wild lions mane of the children. Adults are usually skilled enough to help out in their survival and to teach the newer generation how to survive as well.
Elder appearance
Elders are often retired from work, and in some cases brought to a safe location where they can live out their days in peace.
Death ritual
Once a Cobalo dies, their body is taken to a location of choice- usually said before death or by a loved one/family - and buried there. The loved ones and family hold a silent vigil over the grave.
Cobalo are very agile due to their small bodies. Able to traverse most terrains with ease.
Cobalo are well camouflaged as they often have natural colors on them to blend in better. Or they rub mud over their bodies in cases of unnatural coloring.
While not super skilled, cobalo do climb trees and mountains to gather food or resources.
Cobalo have no natural defenses, so often rely on self-made armor and shields to protect them.
Cobalo’s can easily evade most attacks due to their small stature and fast movements.
Flexibility can vary among individuals, some being very flexible and other being more stiff-build.
Due to the large ears of the cobalo they can hear extremely well- able to detect movement from far away.
Cobalo are extremely skilled hunters, able to take down prey far larger than them when in a team.
Cobalo are very intelligent despite their primitive lifestyle. They often prefer more traditional ways than advanced ways of living.
Cobalo- if trained- can jump extremely high, though some lack the power to jump as high as others.
Cobalo are good at reacting quickly to situations due to their nomadic lifestyle.
Their sense of smell is well developed, while not as good as the dragons, they can still gather a lot of information based on smell.
Cobalo, despite being diurnal, have decent night vision as they often have to keep moving due to dangers following them.
Cobalo are quick footed and can traverse miles a day when seeking refuge.
When hunting or hiding cobalo can be very stealthy and quiet while moving around the dense foliage of plumiix.
Cobalo have immense stamina due to them always being actively moving whether via traveling, gathering, hunting or playing.
While not very strong, when together cobalo can carry big amounts of supplies for miles on end.
Cobalo are not very skilled swimmers, but have enough skill to not drown with more mellow moving waters.
Cobalo are nomadic, so their housing is simple and easily broken down. They are often similar to tents, made of woven materials and sticks to keep them up.
Main landmark of the cobalo include the camps of the dragon species, their burial grounds, the rivers and the crystal formations.
Notable locations
While they themselves don’t really have any notable locations, they do have a special cave the elderly rest in instead of traveling for miles.
Cobalo have no real need to communicate within the varying colonies. So they often only communicate whenever they happen to cross each other's paths.
Cobalo have special woven baskets they use for carrying tools as well as special sleds/carts to carry more heavy supplies.
Cobalo love wearing accessories of all kinds, from neck rings, bracelets, shawls, necklaces to varying clothing types.
Common hobbies
Cobalo rarely have time for hobbies, but when they do, they are known to make various pottery, crafts and music.
Common sports/activities
Children often love testing their skills with climbing, swimming and hunting whenever they have time. Adults do not have time to partake in these activities due to their responsibilities.
While traveling, Cobalo like playing small games like ‘name the plant/animal’ or even sing cultural songs.
Common pets
Cobalo often have rather large pets like wolves and goats to help carry their items or to aid them in hunting.
Common names
Cobalo can have varying types of names, though most have nature based names or themes to them.
Cobalo are not a religious race, not bothering trying to explain phenomenons, but more simply to and survive or overcome them.
Core beliefs
Cobalo, despite not having a religion, do have basic morals that they rely on.
Do not harm another creature without good reason or self defense.
Always show respect for every living thing.
Never trust a stranger blindly.
Only hunt when in need of food.
Always give something back when you take from nature.
Cobalo believe that after death there is no real afterlife, some believe in reincarnation while other think you simply stop existing.
Every blue moon cobalo colonies gather in their celebration grounds and catch up with each other. Some even switch colonies to go to loved ones or for a change of pace.
Age range
While never stop learning, most cobalo are in a learning stage around 10-20.
Herbal/medicine use
Basic combat
Form of government
Cobablo are rules by a chosen leader, usually the wisest of the colony. They have no set hierarchy.
Ruled by
Cobalo are usually led by a female, though males are also commonly chosen.
Cobalo are not known for having any specific laws, though their morals are usually enough to survive with.
When a cobalo has done something bad they can often be exiled to fend for themselves.
Battle techniques
Cobalo often rely on out-numbering their enemy as their small bodies are rarely a proper threat when alone.
Common weapons
Cobalo have varying weapons, most common ones with small swords, spears, knives and axes.
Common armor
Cobalo wear varying armor from simply head protection to full-body protection
Current wars
While not at war currently with anyone, their past is littered with wars against the dryada.
Past wars
Cobalo used to fight side-by-side with tribolovon, vitris and fuga to fight off the Dryada from harvesting their island of resources. But after the war they went their own ways. Only sometimes checking in on the other races' well-being.
Leaders are responsible for making decisions for the coli=ony, like where to go or when to move.
Advisors are responsible for helping the leader review their decisions, to make sure it was well calculated/thought out.
Shamans are responsible for healing the injured and helping the colony stay healthy.
Shaman apprentice
The shaman apprentices are trained to understand the medicine and herbs they use for healing and health.
Hunters are responsible for providing meat based foods for the colony so they get proper nutrients.
Gatherers are responsible for gathering food as well as supplies like building materials.
Scouts are responsible for making sure the path ahead is safe to traverse or the location they will be resting at.
Historians are tasked with marking down historic events and sharing it with the colony to remember.
Builders are tasked with building and breaking down the temporary housing they live in.
Teachers are tasked with teaching basic survival skills to the younger folk.
Apprenices are usually tasked with helping out the older cobalo with their tasks to learn from it.
- Cobalo are born with hair/fur already present.
- Cobalo always keep an eye out for Dryadian supplies or machinery.
- Cobalo are respected amongst the dragon races and are rarely attacked by them.