Fuga are colorful wyverns, having wings on their arms and legs. Their colors have an almost infinite range. Though it is proved that Fuga often resemble the one they imprint on. Wild fuga however are found in any color! They stand at a small size of 2.9 feet in length, muzzle to tail tip and a wingspan of 5.9 feet. The queen however is 3x as big as a normal Fuga.
Fuga are found everywhere on the continent, but wild ones are most commonly found in the Scarlet Forest. Imprinted Fuga are seen usually around their imprinted dragon or humanoid. Never really leaving their side unless finding food.
Fuga are found in many colors, from monochrome like black to saturated blues, purples, greens, etc.
Fuga can have diseases that tribolovon and normal reptilians can get.
Behavior info
Wild Fuga are extremely aggressive and tend to attack on sight, especially if the threat is close to their hive.
Tame Fugas are more docile, only attacking if raised to do so, or if their imprinted dragon is in danger.
Fuga prefer observing first before acting, giving them an advantage in combat situations as well as survival.
Fuga are extremely protective of their young, not allowing anyone close by unless trusted.
Wild Fuga are always traveling in search for food and nesting material, but always head back to their hive at nightfall.
Tame Fuga don’t travel as much unless their dragon is traveling.
Fugas are social creatures, though their social structure is often viewed as aggressive, so the fights are often broken up, even though it’s normal behavior for them.
Wild Fuga don’t show affection to each other, only really interacting when establishing their hierarchy. Mothers will be more caring for their young, but won’t risk their lives to save them.
Tame Fuga can be more affectionate or even viewed as clingy, since they rarely leave the side of their dragon.
All Fuga are polyamorous, not being known to form bonds with other Fuga, the children can be from multiple fathers as well.
Fuga love playing during their hunt, especially to practice specific situations.
Fuga are insectivore/carnivore/piscivore, eating insects, meat and fish.
Common foods
Fuga are diurnal, hunting mainly at day time, though are sometimes seen hunting at night.
Fuga speak their own tongue, which to most sounds like clicks and whistles/songs or even small growls and roars.
Fuga live for roughly 80 years, sometimes even longer.
When a male tries to court a female he will start challenging any nearby animals or rival males to display his strength. When a female accepts they will start dueling each other to test each other's strengths, afterwards the female searches for a hidden place to lay the eggs.
Gestation period
Females gestate the eggs for about 2 months.
Incubation period
Incubating the egg takes about 3-4 months but can be quicker depending on heat.
Egg appearance
Fuga eggs are a soft baby blue coloration that sometimes looks more green, the shell is hard and sturdy.
Baby appearance
Baby fuga are about 1/4th of the parents size, and are unable to fly until they get their strength up.
At this stage they can imprint, which often occurs when the baby starts flying and exploring, coming across a baby tribolovon or humanoid. They aren’t known to imprint on adult tribolovon or humanoids.
Once imprinted they won’t leave the side of that creature anymore.
Teen appearance
Teens are rowdy and aggressive, challenging their siblings to fights or even their parents.
Adult appearance
Adults are more calm, but are still snappy at anything that comes too close. They are often practicing to get a mate, or actually getting a mate.
Elder appearance
Elder fuga scales turn more dull and gray, flaking off more frequently as they start moving around less and less.
Death ritual
Dead fuga’s are often left to be eaten by nature, or with tamed Fuga they are buried, usually where their imprint will be buried.
Fuga are extremely agile, being able to move in various maneuvers to fly in complex patterns.
Fuga don’t usually camouflage well, though tame Fuga blend in better.
Fuga don’t really climb, but are able to latch onto cliffs, walls and more!
Fuga are not skilled at protection, so rely on their quick flying to avoid being hit.
Fuga are extremely skilled at dodging and evasion!
Fuga are small and flexible creatures, but able to turn their head almost completely around their body.
Fuga are skilled at flying, able to fly shortly after birth.
Fuga have sensitive ears, allowing them to locate all kinds of prey!
Fuga are skilled hunters, able to quietly strike at prey without being seen or heard.
Fuga are highly intelligent, able to understand various languages, but due to their vocal cords they can't talk back.
Fuga are not skilled jumpers, as their leg wings hinder them in such movements.
Fuga are extremely quick in acting to situations, making it hard to catch them off-guard.
Fuga aren’t skilled at smelling, relying on their head feelers to locate things.
Fuga have a strong sense of sight, able to see in both day and night time.
Fuga are the quickest of all the creatures, their body allowing them to fly very fast.
Fuga can fly almost completely silently, their body’s aerodynamics allowing the air to pass by them easily.
Fuga can fly for hours without stopping, their light bodies making it easy to simply hang in the winds.
Fuga aren’t very strong, needing a big number in order to attack larger prey or enemies.
Fuga are horrible swimmers, their bodies are not built to swim in any way aside from diving in the water and trying to fly out immediately.
Fuga build complex ball-shaped nests in the trees, cliffs and more! These nests are just big enough to hold a small family.
Royal housing/palace
The queens nest is massive compared to the others, simply because she’s bigger. The function of the nest is the same.
Fuga don’t really have cities, instead they have a massive wild-colony point where they all go to rest and look for partners.
Tame Fuga often live with their imprinted creature.
The rivers within the Shini territory are a great landmark, the flow of the streams and sizes being a good tell for where they are in the forest, and where they must go to reach their destination. There are 2 massive twin trees located in the sector, these trees are 3x the size of the other trees, and there is a special clearing in the sector which is often used by the Shini.
Secre tribolovon do not have landmarks to go by aside from the rivers in their lands. Even those shift often due to the amount of quick sand and loose soil. They use stars and special self-made landmarks that are often in the shape of crystal creations. The camp being in the massive caverns below and the craters that expose the caverns to the surface.
Notable locations
Camps - the camps is where everyone stays to rest, sleep and live when they don’t have duties to fulfill.
Shini Passing Twin Trees - the PTT is a sacred place within the Shini dynasty. The area has 2 massive trees, with a dryadian built structure in the middle, often associated with the portal to the afterlife by the dynasty. There, all bodies are buried with memorial stones and carvings.
Shini Training Clearing - the training clearing is an open spot in the dense forest at the edge of a mountain. There the trainees are training to protect the dynasty, and learning how to do their tasks. The clearing has a lot of lush flowers and plants at the edges of it, filling the air with a pleasant smell.
Shini Lake Cave - Lake cave is a cavern located on the biggest lake by scarlet forest, this cave is on an island in the center. Shaman apprentices go there to make a connection to their deities to get approved, or denied to be an official shaman of the dynasty. The shaman mark is always located by the eyes in forms on a single white dot by each eye's end like a tear.
Border - The border is the area where the 3 sectors meet.
Secre Northern Crystal - The NC is located in the northern part of their sector.
Secre Eastern Crystal - The EC is located in the eastern part of their sector.
Secre Southern Crystal - The SC is located in the southern part of their sector.
Secre Western Crystal - The WC is located in the western part of their sector.
Grace Burial Grounds - The burial grounds are located underwater on a blank slate of ground. This blank slate of sand has many carved stones on it, each stone representing a tribo who passed.
Grace Blood Lake - The Blood lake is a red lake hidden in one of the islands, where the shaman often go to get their apprentices accepted or denied.
Fuga simply go to each other and speak their language, whereas trying to talk to the tribolovon or the humanoids, they use items to communicate.
Fuga simply hold their young or items in their mouths to transport them. As baskets or bags can be too heavy.
Wild Fuga don’t wear any accessories, while Tame fuga are often gifted accessories by their imprinted creature.
Common names
Wild fuga have single-word names that are often nature inspired, while tame Fuga have named similar to their imprint!
Fuga have no known deities, but tend to worship their queen.,
Fuga have no known scriptures as they cannot write.
Fugas don’t seem to have any religious symbols of any kind.
Core beliefs
Wild Fuga believe freedom is everything, not allowing anyone to catch them and if they are, they fight in any way possible to free themselves.
The tame Fuga believe however that their imprinted creature is a parental figure or close friend.
Myths and legends
Fuga don’t seem to have any myths or legends.
Fuga don’t know or understand what the dryadian machines are, but have never investigated due to the unnatural feeling of them.
Fuga don’t seem to have a specific belief of the afterlife, as it varies from every individual.
Fuga often give the queen part of their hunt/kill to show her respect.
Age range
Fuga start learning the moment they hatch, though some lessons are kept away until ready.
Form of government
Wild Fuga are led by a queen, while tame Fuga don’t have any leaders.
Ruled by
A queen who is identified by her size.
Royal hierarchy
Queens are randomly born, so there is no hierarchy aside from said born queen.
Fuga have no laws, so they tend to be chaotic and unpredictable
Battle techniques
When fighting opponents Fuga use a swarming technique to overwhelm the attacker, using their sharp claws and teeth to chip away at them. They don’t use any weaponry or armory.
Myths, legends, parables
They have no known stories as part of their history.
Current wars
Past wars
While long forgotten, Fuga used to fight side-by side with the other creatures against the Dryada.
Fuga have no occupations, minding their own business unless called for by their queen.
- Fuga imprint during the first 2 weeks of their birth.
- Fuga imprint on 1 creature for the rest of their lives.
- Wild Fuga often attack lone tame Fuga.