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Before the Great Divide

Roughly 1 million years ago, the Continents of Plumiix and Vrijvan were part of one another, the bridge keeping the two connected with each other. The Plumiix section was inhabited by 4 unique species, Tribolovon, Vitris, Fuga and Cobalo. While the Vrijvan section was inhabited by 1 major species, the Dryada.

All of them lived together, sharing stories, experiences and cultures.


But the Dryada began to grow greedy with magic as they had learned to take on 2 forms, a Kirin like dragon and a humanoid race. they believed that because of this, they should be allowed to rule the whole continent.


The other dragons and humanoid species did not agree, and soon enough a war broke out at the border of the two sectors.


While the Plumiix sector had more races, the Dryada had more in numbers.


The war went on for years, causing inner conflict to happen among the Plumiix sector as well.


The Tribolovon had split into 4 dynasties, each having a unique feature to identify them with- The Grace were dark and sometimes even black in color. The Secre were the opposite- being white or light colors. The Shini were the most dominant color variant- having varying shades and hues, but not being solid black or white like the other two. and the Rutila, a unique variant of Tribolovon recognized by their glowing scales and markings.


The Vitris had eventually been hunted to extinction, none having been seen ever since halfway through the war.


The Cobalo tried their best to keep helping the dragons, but their lack of lanuages made it difficult to communicate.


And the Fuga eventually stopped fighting after many eggs started to go missing which would've been future queens of their hive.


This imbalance of harmony caused the deities to be furious, making the earth tremble greatly during one of the clashes. soon the battle had to stop and flee as a massive break through the earth was made- quickly filling with oceanic waters and separating Plumiix and Vrijvan for good.

During and After the Great Divide

Omens of the Future

The Shaman of the Tribolovon dynasties foretold that one day, when night seems to last forever, the waters of the Great Divide shall solidify into a cold see-through stone. allowing the Dryada to return to Plumiix to take what they believe is rightfully theirs.

After the land had split the continent, a dense fog had risen where the ocean split lay, making it impossible to see the other side.


After the divide many believed it to be over, though Plumiix remained tainted with the Dryadian inventions who no longer functioned.


As the years passed both sides started to forget of one anothers existence- believing it to simply be a myth to scare younglings.

The Dryada had forgotten their ability to transform as their magic became weaker and they were too reliant on their humanoid forms. now only rarely did one have the ability to change.

During the war they had managed to steal eggs from the Fuga, having created a breeding program to make them big enough to ride on.


The tribolovon remained divided beyond repair.

The Cobalo went into hiding.

The vitris were believed to be extinct.

And the Fuga no longer associated with the dragons unless the young Fuga imprinted on the dragons.

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